SEO Plan Confirmation

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Thank you for purchasing your Custom SEO Website/Lead Generation Plan

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Let’s get your Lead Generation Plan Going!
“Get More Traffic and Leads from your Custom Website”


Bonus! All Lead Generation Plan customers will get instructions on optimizing local search results in Google Maps.


Why Adwords Matters

Search engines like Google display paid ads first! These ads work!

You can be in the first position just like ASB Medford is here!!

Why Posts Matter

Search engines like Google find blog posts and look within them for content and links, if the links are to your website from posts relevant to the topic/product you are promoting you get a better rating for that product in searches. These links are rated as more important depending on the size and importance of the linking post on that topic. So if you are selling Medicare Supplement Plans and I have a big blog post about Medicare Supplement Plans (like, and I will for you!) then you will come up better in searches for that product. The more posts the better!

Why Links Matter

Search engines like Google look for links to your website from webpages relevant to the topic/product you are promoting. These links are rated as more important depending on the size and importance of the linking site on that topic. So if you are selling Medicare Supplement Plans and I have a big website with many pages and articles about Medicare Supplement Plans (like, and I do!) then you will come up better in searches for that product. The more links the better!